2014 Long Course TAGS Review


Led by captain Alex Zettle and Emma Garfield , LAC swam to a 4th place finish at the Texas Age-Group championship in Austin Texas. The staff is tremendously proud of the athletes as they had to battle for 4th place with another North Texas Team and it came down to only a 3.5 point difference. TAGS swims two heats of finals and many of our swimmers were able to get second swims. Here is the list of results for the TOP 16 finishes. Also listed are TOP 16 finishes for RELAYS.

Chloe Archer

 800 Free 12th

 1500 Free 10th

Jia Bertrand

400 IM 15th

Anika Buhr

800 Free 13th

400 Free 15th

1500 Free 12th

David Eydelzon

100 Free 6th

400 Free 5th

200 IM 16th

200 Free 10th

100 Fly 9th

50 Fly 11th

50 Free 10th

Emma Garfield

 200 IM 1st (New TEAM Record)

 400 IM 1st (New NORTH TEXAS Record)

 100 Breast 5th

Elvin Jaya

100 Breast 6th

50 Breast 9th

Brendan King

800 Free 16th

1500 Free 16th

Cooper Lucas

200 IM 10th

100 Free 11th

200 Free 9th

100 Fly 15th

400 Free 7th

Sam Lucas

200 Fly 6th

200 Back 5th

200 IM 15th

50 Back 11th

100 Back 9th

Margaret Mabry-High point winner

200 IM   1st (New TEAM Record)

50 Back 3rd

100 Free 1st (New TEAM Record)

200 Free 1st (New TEAM Record)

100 Fly 13th (New TEAM Record)

400 Free 1st   (New NORTH TEXAS Record)

100 Back 1st

Megan Morris

 200 IM 12th

 200 Fly 12th

 400 IM

 200 Back 15th

 100 back 16th

David Mowles

200 Fly 12th

Vincent Nguyen

50 Back 4th

100 Free 7th

100 Fly 4th

50 Fly 3rd

100 Back 3rd

50 Free 4th

200 Free 11th

Keely Ohlhauser

200 IM 7th

100 Free 12th

200 Free 12th

200 Back 11th

400 Free 9th

Macarena Padilla-Palazio

50 Fly 13th

Jacob Rorer

100 Breast 15th

Donny Scott       

100 Free 14th

50 Breast 9th

50 Free 10th

Vivian Shi

200 Breast 10th

100 Breast 13th

Bridget Tooley

50 Fly 14th

50 Free 15th

Kit Kat Zenick

50 Back 6th

100 Fly  3rd (New TEAM Record)

200 Fly  4th

50 Fly   3rd (New TEAM Record)

200 Free 11th

100 Back 6th

 50 Free  7th

Alex Zettle-High Point Winner

800 free 1st   (New TAGS Record)

200 IM 3rd

100 Free 1st   (New TAGS Record)

200 Free 1st   (New TAGS Record)

400 IM 2nd    

400 Free 1st   (New TAGS Record)

1500 Free 1st (New NORTH TEXAS Record)


10 & Under GIRLS 200 Free-9th  (Mabry, Padilla-Palazio, Garfield, Kent)

10 & Under GIRLS 400 Free-10th  (Mabry, Padilla-Palazio, Garfield, Kent)

10 & Under 200 Medley-9th  (Mabry, Garfield, Padilla-Palazio, Kent)

11-12 GIRLS 200 Free-4th ( Zenick,  Ohlhauser, Tooley, Dalby)

11-12 GIRLS 400 Free A-2nd (Tooley, Zenick, Ohlhauser, Zettle)

11-12 GIRLS 400 Free B-14th  (Dalby,Pineda, Jancosko, Hauck)

11-12 GIRLS 200 Medley-7th (Dalby, Weiland, Zenick, Ohlhauser)

11-12 GIRLS 400 Medley-9th (Ohlhauser, Weiland, Zenick, Tooley)

13-14 GIRLS 400 Free-12th (Garfield, Morris, Buhr, Archer)

13-14 GIRLS 800 Free A-13th (Bertrand, Archer, Morris, Buhr)

13-14 GIRLS 800 Free B-15th Channin, Taylor, Kelley, Shelton)

13-14 GIRLS 200 Medley-10th (Morris, Shi, Buhr, Kelley)

13-14 GIRLS 400 Medley-9th (Garfield, Porco, Morris, Buhr)

10 & Under Boys 200 Free A-2nd  (Nguyen, Lucas,Jaya, Eydelzon) (New NORTH TEXAS Record)

10 & Under Boys 200 Free B-15th   (Rorer, Hu, Tooley, Axline)

10 & Under Boys 400 Free A-2nd  (Nguyen, Lucas,Jaya, Eydelzon) (New NORTH TEXAS Record)

10 & Under Boys 400 Free B-15th   (Rorer, Hu, Tooley, Axline)

10 & Under Boys 200 Medley-1st (Nguyen, Jaya, Lucas, Eydelzon) (New TEAM Record)

11-12 BOYS 200 Free-10th ( Lucas, Scott, Franks, Jani)

11-12 Boys 400 free -10th   (Scott, Lucas, Franks, Crouch)

11-12 BOYS 200 Medley-11th (Crouch, Scott, Lucas, Franks)

11-12 BOYS 400 Medley-6th (Crouch, Scott, Lucas, Franks)

13-14 BOYS 200 Free-7th (Zettle, Mowles, Jiang, King)

13-14 BOYS 400 Free-6th  (Zettle, Mowles, Jiang and King)

13-14 BOYS 800 Free A-6th  (Zettle, Mowles, Jiang and King)